Sub-Assistant Engineer Recruitment Exam-2009 at WBPSC
Sub-Assistant Engineers, Sub-Assistant Engineers Mechanical, Sub-Assistant Engineers Civil, Sub-Assistant Engineers Electrical West Bengal Public Service Commission, WBPSC 161-A, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700026.
West Bengal, Advertisement No.5/2009.
West Bengal Subordinate Service of Engineers :(Civil/Mechanical/Electrical) under Engineering Departments of the Govt. of West Bengal, 2009.
Applications are invited in the given proforma typed/printed on thick foolscap size (32 cm. x 21 cm.) white paper for the combined competitive examination for recruitment to the posts of Sub-Assistant Engineers (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical) in West Bengal Subordinate Service of Engineers (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical) under Engineering Departments of the Govt. of West Bengal, 2009. The posts carry the scale of pay of Rs. 4800-10,925/- (unrevised) plus admissible allowances. Rules of the examination and other particulars are given in “ Information Brochure” available from Commission’s office. The examination will be held in Kolkata in August, 2009 or thereabout. The number of vacancies will be announced later on.
Not more than 32 years on 01.01.2009 (i.e. born not earlier than the 2nd January, 1977) relaxable for candidates who have been in employment of Central or State Government or Damodar Valley Corporation or Statutory Body recognized for the purpose by government and also for candidates who had been in such employment but are not out of such employment for more than one year on 01.01.2009 to the extent of actual period spent continuously in such employment. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC & ST candidates of West Bengal, by 3 years for BC candidates of West Bengal and upto 45 years for persons with disability having physical disability of 40% and above. Candidates claiming to be SC, ST, BC or Physically Handicapped must furnish either self certified or attested photo copy of certificates in support of their claim from a competent authority along with their applications, failing which their claims will not be entertained. SC/ST/BC candidates not belonging to the State of West Bengal shall be treated as General candidates.
Candidates must enclose with their applications a fee of Rs.150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty) only in the form of Indian Postal Order which must be purchased on a date after publication of this advertisement and crossed and endorsed to THE SECRETARY, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, WEST BENGAL, or in the form of a receipted challan from a Government Treasury in West Bengal or the Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata under the head “0051-00-105-State PSC Examination fees-001-Examination fees-16 other fees”. The Postal Orders should be made payable at G.P.O., Kolkata. Money Orders, Cheques, Bank Drafts, Cash etc. will not be accepted. No application will be considered unless accompanied with the requisite application fees.
Candidates belonging to SC/ST community of West Bengal and persons with disabilities specified under West Bengal persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 1999 only are not required to pay any fee. The application without fee of such candidates will not be accepted if the same is not accompanied with the self-certified or attested photocopy of SC/ST certificate issued by the competent authority of West Bengal in a prescribed format or P.H. certificate issued by the competent authority. BC candidates of West Bengal are, however, required to pay usual fee as aforesaid. NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS ALLOWED TO SC/ST/BC CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES. No claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be held in reserve for any other examination.
Candidates may obtain “Information Brochure” including syllabus for the examination free of cost from Commission’s office at 161-A, S.P. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700 026 either personally between 11:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on all working days (Monday to Friday) on production of the original mark-sheet of the requisite diploma examination which will be stamped on the reverse as a token of supply of the articles or by post on sending a self-addressed envelope ( 27 cm. x 12 cm.) with postage stamp of Rs. 10/- affixed and name of the examination superscribed on the envelope (Diploma mark-sheet not required in this case). No requisition for the same will be entertained unless the requisition is received at least 15 days before closing date of receipt of applications. Application with either self-certified or attested photo copies of requisite certificates and two self addressed envelopes (23 cm. x 10 cm.) one with postage stamp of Rs.5/- affixed on it must be submitted either personally against receipt at the Commission’s office at the above address or by registered post/under certificate of posting addressed to the Deputy Secretary (Examination), Public Service Commission, West Bengal at the above address. In any case applications must reach Commission’s office within the closing date for receipt of applications. In case of sending application by post the name of the examination should invariably be superscribed on the posted envelope containing the application.
Submission of more than one application is strictly forbidden. The candidature of a candidate who submits more than one application for admission to the examination will be cancelled even if he/she is admitted to the same.
Genaral Information:2009
Application Form:2009
WEBSITE FOR GUIDANCE OF CANDIDATES ; The candidates may obtain the information of the examination in detail along with the Application Format through the Commission’s Website at :
Application forms downloaded from the Website will also be accepted.
i) Citizenship of India;
ii) Diploma in Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering from State Council for Engineering and Technical Education, West Bengal or its equivalent. Departmental candidates will also be eligible to apply provided they possess the requisite qualifications;
iii) Ability to read, write and speak in Bengali (not required for recruitment in the case of Nepali speaking candidates from hill areas of the district of Darjeeling).
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