India Gandhi National Open University
School of Agriculture
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
Ph. 011-29533166,
A walk-in interview for the temporary posts of Research Associate under the ICAR-NAIP project “Innovations in Technology Mediated Learning: An Institutional Capacity Building in using Re-usable Learning Objects in Agro-horticulture” will be held as per the details given below:
Name and no. of post: Research Associates (one)
Date and time of Interview: 02.08.2010 11.00 am
Place of Interview and posting: ICRTA, IGNOU Regional Centre, MBB College Ground, Agartala (Tripura)
Qualification: Ph.D. in Horticulture / Post Harvest Technology Or M.Sc. in Horticulture / Post Harvest Technology
Desirables: Experience in Information and Communication Technology in Agro-horticulture
Terms and Conditions:
1. The above post is purely time bound / temporary/contractual engagement and co-terminus with the concerned project. The selected candidate will have no right what so ever for absorption/regularization in the University vacancies.
2 Age Limit : Men: 40 years & Women: 45 years (relaxable to SC/ST/OBC & PH as per Government of India rules).
3. Emoluments: Rs.17000.00 + HRA for M.Sc. and Rs.18,000.00 + HRA for Ph.D per month (consolidated).
General Instructions:
The eligible candidates shall attend the Interview on the date, time and place mentioned above alongwith two sets of biodata and all original certificates. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
Proforma of biodata
1. Name in Full in Block Letters 2. Communication Address (Provide Phone, Cell Phone, E-mail) 3. Date of birth and Age on date 4. Nationality 5. Detail of Educational Qualification (start with highest qualification) 6.Hands-on Experience in ICT in Agriculture 7. Employment Experience (if any) 8. Attach reprint of published research papers, (if any) 9. Any other information 10. Attach additional ready made biodata (if you wish) 11. Declaration: I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. 12. Signature of the Candidate
Principal Investigator
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Tags: IGNOU Walk-in-Interview Research Associate Vacancy IGNOU Vacancy IGNOU Jobs in IGNOU Research Associate Jobs IGNOU Research Associate Vacancy IGNOU Research Associate Recruitment Notification 2010 2011
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